Resident with Kite

A Day of Seaside Activities

Typical British weather meant a change of plans for our seaside day and many of the activities had to be moved inside due to it being so windy, but that didn't stop staff and residents at The Porterbrook from having a great time. We decided to take advantage of the windy weather and fly some kites outside in our car park as well as take part in activities inside the home which included listening to the sounds of shells, carrying out crafts, eating candyfloss and posing with a cardboard cutout.

Candyfloss was served to residents by our Activity Coordinator who enjoyed eating the sugary treat which reminded them of their childhood.

We had our very own seaside cupboard cutout and residents and staff took it in turns to pose for funny photos.

Residents were delighted to hear the sounds of the waves in the conch shell which is a highly relaxing sound to listen to.

Using kinetic sand, some of our residents took part in moulding sea creatures which was a therapeutic craft session.

No matter the challenges that external influences such as unpredictable weather might bring, we always make sure residents are having a fantastic time both inside and outside of the home.

If you would like to find out more about what our residents get up to at The Porterbrook, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team who will be delighted to offer their assistance.

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