Easter Gardens & a Special Service

At The Porterbrook Care Home, we like to celebrate all occasions big or small, and it is extremely important to us that we meet all the needs of our residents, including their cultural and religious needs.
In the run up to Easter, we decorated our home and supported our residents in creating their very own individual Easter Gardens. An Easter Garden is a fantastic craft idea, which tells the easter story, from Jesus being crucified through to when Jesus rises again.
Our residents thoroughly enjoy the arts and crafts sessions we hold, as it's a great way to socialise, express their feelings, and stimulate both their minds and body. We try to incorporate themes into our arts and crafts sessions as much possible and make them differ vastly from the materials used to the way we craft things.
The Easter Gardens were a great way to introduce Spring into our sessions and make use of the materials found outdoors, which included soil, moss, stones, plants, and sticks.

On Easter Sunday we arranged for our local vicar to visit the home to take a special Easter service. At the end of the service, we presented the vicar with her very own Easter Garden to take back and display at the church.
In the afternoon we had lots of fun playing games including pin the tail on the bunny, with an actual Easter bunny visiting shortly after to give out crème egg bunnies to the residents which they had been making prior to Easter.

At our care home in Sheffield, we believe it is essential for our residents to always have something to look forward to and that their days are filled with opportunities to socialise with one another, invite family and friends to the home, and continue or learn new hobbies.
If you would like to find out more about life at The Porterbrook or any of the care services and facilities we provide, then we welcome you to get in touch with our team with your queries or to book a tour of our home.