Supporting Our Local Hospital During Winter Pressures

We are helping our local hospital to beat the effects of winter pressures by making 10 of our 44 beds available to Northern General Hospital in Herries Road.
We are helping our local hospital to beat the effects of winter pressures by making 10 of our 44 beds available to Northern General Hospital in Herries Road. We will provide short term care for patients and support them in their transition from hospital to home. While a patient resides with us, we will provide all care, housekeeping and laundry services.
Winter pressures create considerable challenges for the NHS every year. Those over the age of 75 years stand a greater than 80 per cent chance of needing admission to A&E and once in A&E these patients will require a bed or trolley space until they are discharged from hospital. If the onward flow stops, new patients cannot be taken in which results in ‘congestive hospital failure’.
As part of the short term care plan in conjunction with the NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, upon arrival to The Porterbrook, each patient will receive a therapy assessment from our team who will put together an individual care plan and arrange a final discharge home.
The home manager said: “We are delighted to be able to do our bit to support the local hospital during its busiest time of year. The team are keen to welcome our new ‘temporary residents’ and provide what they need to help get them back on their feet.”